The Legendary Builder Series

The Builder's Wrath (The Legendary Builder Book 4)

After Dred laid waste to Heaven, defeated Lucifer, and kidnapped Gabriella, Arthur will do anything to stop him, even if it means teaming up with Hell's greatest enemy.

Armed with a sword more powerful than ever, Arthur has one chance to rebuild Heaven, forge an alliance between the angels and demons, and find the Holy Grail.

If he succeeds, he may just have the power he needs to defeat Dred and rescue Gabriella, but if he fails, well, at least the convenience store is still hiring.

The Builder's Greed (The Legendary Builder Book 2)

For the first time in millennia, the all-consuming Darkness has been pushed back. Thanks to Arthur and his ragtag army of women, there's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.

Or there would have been if Mammon, Princess of Greed hadn't awakened.

Powerful enough to level a town with the blink of an eye and ally to no one, Mammon has one goal and one goal only.

To own everything in Hell, starting with Arthur and his friends.

And if he can't stop her from taking over while fending off attacks from Hell's ruling class, well, let's just say that his chance to stop the Darkness will slip from slim to none.

The Builder's Sword (The Legendary Builder Book 1)

Arthur never expected to wind up in Hell. At least, not because he found an ancient sword in a pawnshop. To make matters worse, Hell isn't as he thought. It's a desolate wasteland under siege by an all-consuming void known as the Darkness.

Now, he's trapped with no way home, a ragtag army of women, and a sword whose only power is to modify the abilities of those around him. Not exactly winning odds.

Worse, if the Darkness isn't stopped, not only will it devour Hell, but Earth will be next on the menu.