The Builder's Wrath (The Legendary Builder Book 4)

After Dred laid waste to Heaven, defeated Lucifer, and kidnapped Gabriella, Arthur will do anything to stop him, even if it means teaming up with Hell's greatest enemy.

Armed with a sword more powerful than ever, Arthur has one chance to rebuild Heaven, forge an alliance between the angels and demons, and find the Holy Grail.

If he succeeds, he may just have the power he needs to defeat Dred and rescue Gabriella, but if he fails, well, at least the convenience store is still hiring.


My Opinion: 460 pages, $4.99, Available on Kindle Unlimited

It feels like the author has found a formula that works for him and the series. Just like book 3, this one follows that formula of the main character training, adding to his harem to gain new powers, beating an enemy, then at the end being challenged by an even greater threat.

It’s not bad writing, just predictable. The action is actiony. There is enough to be LitRPG.  The main character’s ability to distribute experience points of the things/people he owns is finally back.  Now it can even respec a person’s experience which is overpowered to me and breaks an earlier game rule established. Which happens several other times in the novel too.

Overall, the story didn’t  feel that special to me.

Score: 6 out of 10

The Builder's Wrath (The Legendary Builder Book 4)