High School

Face Genius (Webcomic)

The protagonist gets hit by lightning while playing a game beta and gains a special ability to transform into his handsome character from the game in real life. Follows his adventures living as both himself and the game's alter ego!

Class-A Threat (Disgardium Book #1) LitRPG Series

The novel has been voted the best Russian LitRPG release of 2018 and won the first prize at the LitRPG competition held by a leading Russian literary site litnet.com. Read the opening chapters here - magicdomebooks.blogspot.com/2019/01/disgardium-class-threat-by-dan.html

Our future. Noncitizens and individuals of low social standing can only find work in one place – the virtual world of Disgardium. And that might mean mining ore; it could just as well mean cleaning pigsties or washing dishes in a tavern, but that’s about as glamorous as it gets.

Fifteen-year-old schoolboy Alex has dreams of working as a space guide. All he can think about is the stars, but life gets in the way and now his only path to achieving that goal is through the game.

High School Dungeon Crawl: Level 1

The first day of high school is never fun. There's the new campus, classmates, and teachers. It's an entirely new world. Literally. Everything has changed. People are turning into heroes and monsters. Classrooms have become entire levels of unexplored danger.

All Mason has to do is level up enough to survive the sprawling dungeon and get home. As long as home is still there.