The Cadet

The Cadet (LitRPG. Squadcom-13. Book:1)

the LitRPG part of the story which doesn’t even appear till about the 22% mark of the book. Here’s what you need to know: Our main character, Paul, lost his limbs in a war during our time. He gets hold of one of these orbs that have the power to regrow limbs. Instead of using it entirely for himself he shares it with a blind woman. Once the orb restores both of them, they find they now share a psychic/soul bond that lets them feel each others emotions and thoughts. They’re both transported to the future where they get further cyborg upgrades and then go into a kind of virtual training system along with other people transported into the past. This training system is very game like, with levels, hit points, stat buffs, and weapons damage ranges. However it’s also very difficult since it’s meant to simulate what these conscripted soldiers are going to face in the field.