Noam Oswin

Janus and The Prince: A LitRPG Saga (The Nightmares of Alamir Book 2)

For lip-service to a deity, he is reborn as a creature whose belly scrubs the earth. Reincarnating as a worm in the madness that is Alamir, the man who spat in the face of a god turns and spits in the face of destiny.

He ascends, from battle and bloodshed, to find favor in a Witch of the Night just as mad, if not far madder, than he. Baptized on the eve of the genocide of her people, he is bestowed the name

Janus – and is reborn with the power to explore the road not travelled.

The power to eat his cake and have it, to split the timeline as he desires, and pave his own path towards his chosen future.

That chosen future, awaits his bony, skeletal hands.

War cometh for the defiant. War between cosmic horrors and ubermensch, apocalypse seekers and twisted messiahs, reincarnated madmen and avatars of extinction –

And the man who defied a god, stands in the center.

“Hero, villain, monster, savior, king, slave, good or evil – all irrelevant when the Nightmares of Alamir come midnight, wielding a dim lantern, rasping with a croaky voice as their unholy fingers rap against your door.”

“Now, tell the world… How shall you answer?”

Janus and Oblivion: A LitRPG Saga (The Nightmares of Alamir Book 1)

Not many refuse heaven. Fewer reject paradise. Certainly rare are those who would find themselves before a being of unknown power and point out the demerits of nirvana.

One man does.

When the aloof fourth son of a business mogul makes the decision to save a life at the cost of his own, he discovers that what awaits him at the end of his mortality is not eternal oblivion.

He cannot help but be disappointed.

When he realizes the world he's been brought to works like the old fantasy games he used to love, he begins to see the merits.

If only he did not start out as the weakest thing in existence, and if only the world he was in was not populated with madness-inducing creatures and fates worse than death. 

"Decide for yourself, your fantasies and your Nightmares, your companions and your adversaries, your angels and your demons, your gods and your monsters.

Alamir stretches to you a hand of a thousand possibilities -

You only need take it."