Class-A Threat (Disgardium Book #1) LitRPG Series

Class-A Threat (Disgardium Book #1) LitRPG Series

The novel has been voted the best Russian LitRPG release of 2018 and won the first prize at the LitRPG competition held by a leading Russian literary site Read the opening chapters here -

Our future. Noncitizens and individuals of low social standing can only find work in one place – the virtual world of Disgardium. And that might mean mining ore; it could just as well mean cleaning pigsties or washing dishes in a tavern, but that’s about as glamorous as it gets.

Fifteen-year-old schoolboy Alex has dreams of working as a space guide. All he can think about is the stars, but life gets in the way and now his only path to achieving that goal is through the game.