True John Crusade: A Dark Fantasy GameLit (The New World Adventures of Dan Book 2)


One Man, One Bat, One Apocalypse

When the end of the world arrives, people know they can always count on a hero.

A John, and there is always a John.

Be it a Sheppard, Sheridan, Lee, Constantine, or Spartan.

One True John to save the world, but until they can find him, they'll have to make do with Dan.

As undead pour into the suburbs and more monsters flood the cities, will Dan and the crusaders be able to stem the tide?

My Opinion: 154 pages, $3.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

I liked book 1 of the series. The main character (MC) while kind of an idiot, was likable enough that I wanted to see him survive the RPG apocalypse. Not this time though. Book 2 strips away most of the stuff I liked about book 1 without replacing it with anything else. The MC is still kind of a goof but his interactions with the crusaders felt like a complete waste of time and I would have liked it better if he was still on his own. There wasn’t really a sense of danger or tension anywhere in the story and why the MC kept taking orders from the crusaders was beyond me. Story just didn’t work for me anymore.

Score: 6 out of 10

True John Crusade: A Dark Fantasy GameLit (The New World Adventures of Dan Book 2)