Tower of Damnation (A LitRPG and GameLIT Saga): Book Two, Arcana


After entering the colosseum, Bradley found himself fighting dozens of gladiators every day in hopes of earning more experience and coins. Over time, his name thundered in the ears of others, giving him the chance to enter the competition hosted by one of the Duke’s of Hell, Iscanthar, himself. Bradley, with Ralph supporting him, hopes to dominate the tournament and procure a specific item—a key.

My Opinion: 210 pages, $2.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

No Tower Climbing, Odd shifts in story, good action

A fairly decent sequel. It seems to abandon any actual tower climbing this book but it may return in the next one. Instead, you get a decent conclusion to the gladiator thing and a shift to a larger attempt to grind XP by leading an army into battle. 

I’ll admit, it was an odd shift. I didn’t feel like the main character (MC) really earned the position of leadership he was given and it was also a bit of a personality shift for the MC. Oddly, a small side note - there were an odd number of typos and even editor notes left in the story. I thought the notes added something funny, but don’t think this was intentional. 

But the action is still good and this is a slice of life story, so it’s not too out of left field. There’s an increase in tension in the story as the MC realizes he doesn’t have the years to prepare for the big cataclysm, which helps justify some of the story advances. Still, a little bit of loss of enjoyment with the loss of the tower climbing.

Score: 7.3 out of 10

Tower of Damnation (A LitRPG and GameLIT Saga): Book Two, Arcana