Skeleton Soldier Couldn’T Protect The Dungeon


His only purpose was to protect his master. And yet he was powerless to protect her.

But fate has more in store for him as he gets another chance to protect his master once more and change his destiny.

My Opinion: 90 chapters, Free/Paywall

This is partially an RPG power up story and partially a Save Point story. The main character (MC), the skeleton, dies and finds himself back 20 years when he was first raised by a low level necromancer. He also has an RPG interface and inherited the stats, though not levels, he earned before he dies. He not only gets the chance to protect someone he’d previously failed to save, but if he dies he just gets reset to that point when he was raised. This changes a bit as the story advances with the MC being reset to different Save Points as he increases his levels, fights monsters, uncovers plots, and levels. 

The story is pretty slice of life, but interesting. It has a slower pace but there’s a good bit of world building done between fights and leveling with slowly revealed plots between factions that the MC realizes he has to navigate through. The repeating theme of him losing or dying and then learning from his mistakes or using the reset to take an entirely different path doesn’t get old as it’s a great way to shift the story in any number of ways between the various factions and antagonists. 

I also liked how the RPG powers develop with the MC never feeling too overpowered before he’s faced with more challenging opponents and being forced to grow again.  The MC has levels, stats, skills, and special abilities that open up whole new ways to gain powers. Good stuff. 

Overall, the pacing is a little slow sometimes but the action and the Save Point respawns allow for some interesting storytelling and I had a good time reading the web comic. 

Score: 7.6 out of 10

Skeleton Soldier Couldn’T Protect The Dungeon