Etinhym: Path of Graves (A LitRPG Epic)


“The Light Pantheon rules from above. The Dark Pantheon rules from below. Together, they defeated the other divine races and became the masters of Etinhym.”

Eadric is the son of the Grave Queen, but he was raised in the Crown Realm as part of the alliance between the two pantheons. After reaching the age of eighteen, he’s finally able to choose the Path that will allow him to acquire demigod abilities and explore the many realms of Etinhym. Although his goal is to become a Grave Lord, serving under his mother, he finds himself following the trail of a conspiracy that threatens the Divine Pact that has kept the jotuns, the valkyries, the greater demons, and the dragons from uniting against the gods.

Eadric’s story will take him through strange realms—from a spatially disjointed forest that twists and turns on itself to a living ocean of blood and even a skyscape full of floating castles. He’ll also have to face off against strange monsters, corrupted spirits, and even towering abominations. If he fails, then the war that follows will likely be the last war Etinhym ever sees—a war that will surely lead to the extermination of the human race.

My Opinion: 492 pages, $4.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

There's nothing bad about the story but I never really connected with the main character (MC) or the story worlds, which were a take on the multiverse with gods and demi-gods trying to gain power by killing monsters that infested the various realms. However, despite the various monsters faced it felt like there was never a serious threat to the demi-god MC and his adventures always felt predisposed to success. Which I guess is in line with the demi-god theme. 

While I liked the Zelda-like mechanics, there weren't many RPG decisions just collecting soul or karma points to get new powers or items. 

The action was a saving note for the story. It was good enough to keep me reading the story and used the upgraded powers well enough to maintain interest, mostly. 

Overall, it’s an ok read if you want something greek/norse/demi-god themed with some fairly decent action RPG elements.

Score: 7.1 out of 10

Etinhym: Path of Graves (A LitRPG Epic)