Easy Meat (Foodstuffs LitRPG Book 1)


Welcome to the challenge. You’re an absolute nobody here—nothing; a zero; a useless lump of meat filled with bones. You’re but a delicious morsel for your antagonists and those who got lucky at the start. The only goal you can have in your miserable existence is to kick the bucket as soon as possible.

My Opinion: 355 pages, $5.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

This is a  story set in a modern setting where a large group of people suddenly fine themselves in a new world pitted against one another in a kill or be killed game. The MC finds he is classified as "meat" or a classless individual meant to be fodder for the others, giving big rewards when killed. The MC has to find a way to survive his encounters with these other players and learn about the rules of this new world.

Game mechanics skew towards a PvP RPG system. Players get resource units with each kill of a player or monster that are used to gain a level, upgrade stats, upgrade/ repair equipment, learn system skills. Additionally, all material resources like weapons, armor, and medicines come from loot crates dropped by killed people and monsters. The story makes getting these crates from kills a key part of the progression system.

Story wise, it's a slice life survival story with the beginning to mid story focused on the Mc figuring out where he was, the rules of the system, and how to become powerful. The rest of the story pits the MC against many monsters and players as he gains resources, levels, and weapons. Really pushing past what his classless role was meant to be. The story is really action focused past the first 10% of the story and once the MC started actively fighting it was really good. 

Overall, once past the beginning awkwardness the story was pretty good with regular action, smart fights, and a variety of tactics to gain power. Good stuff.

Score: 7.7 out of 10

Easy Meat (Foodstuffs LitRPG Book 1) 
