Alexey Osadchuk

Renegade (Underdog Book #8): LitRPG Series

The battle with the horde of necromorphs is lost. Foreston has been overrun by Dark fiends. The foxfolk have been forced to abandon their homes and seek salvation on the far side of Narrow Lake.

Its main city lost, the Order of Monster Hunters finds itself on the brink of destruction. And now deprived of their chief ally, the gnomes are left all alone to take on the army of the Steel King.

Eric’s attempts to halt his foe’s advance have all come to naught ― Alrak the Heartless and the other Dark primordials are simply too powerful.

To cover his friends’ retreat, Eric makes use of forbidden magic, for which the Great System strips him of his rank as magister and declares him an apostate.

In spite of the crushing defeat and grievous wound, Eric’s will is not yet broken. And although he has become a renegade in the eyes of yesterday’s friends and allies, Eric will keep up the fight against Darkness!

Arbiter (Underdog Book #7): LitRPG Series

The skies of the Dark Continent teem with ravening beasts. Thousands of refugees are at the gates of Foreston seeking salvation from a mysterious scourge.

The Wastes are infested with herds of bloodthirsty necromorphs that devour every living thing in their path. A Dark Gateway has opened in the Stone Forest, allowing a horde of otherworldly monsters to come flooding through.

Adversaries from time immemorial are gathering armies and amassing forces. Ancient enemies are forming alliances. The world of the Great System stands once again on the precipice of change. A new war is coming.

Labyrinth of Fright (Underdog Book #5): LitRPG Series

After wiping out the drak nest, Eric finds himself now also in a trap. In order to avoid dying in a cave-in, he activates the manuscript he received for defeating the Lady of the Anomaly. A portal then whisks Eric away to the lookout point atop the mysterious Citadel of Chaos.

The entrance to the Citadel is guarded by the Gatekeeper, a huge troll encased head to toe in a suit of plate armor. Thanks to his Friend of the Trolls amulet, Eric manages to avoid fighting him and thus passes the Gatekeeper’s first test and can enter the Citadel of Chaos to partake in its mysteries.

Eric isn’t interested in its mysteries though and he tells the troll as much directly. He even goes so far as to say he would rather just go on his merry way and leave the Citadel. But the Gatekeeper informs Eric that he will not be able to leave quite so easily because now that he has activated the manuscript, he must undergo a test known as Unity with Chaos!

On the one hand, Eric understands that taking part in the undoubtedly dangerous activity threatens to end not only in loss of time, but possibly loss of life as well. On the other hand though, he remembers perfectly well what Chaos Magic is capable of.

What if Eric is able to pass the test? Will Chaos grant him power? After all, Eric is conscious of the fact that, despite how markedly he has changed and grown stronger, he is still nowhere near as powerful as the Steel King, who is holding Maya and Mee in captivity.

Could the gods perhaps be telling Eric the time has come to do as the Woodwose instructed?

The time has come to grow stronger!

The Otherworld (Underdog Book #4): LitRPG Series

After battling the hyenas, Eric gets a notification that something called a Place of Power has been found. That is the only clue that might help him get back to his native world.

But there's a problem. The system needs mana to calculate a route. Eric simply doesn't have any and he doesn't know when he will. That is because, due to the strange laws this world lives by, Eric's mana supply isn't filling up. But the Great System also exists here, though its laws are only partially functioning.

Having found himself in this alien and dangerous world without magic or the support of his loyal Gorgie, Eric understands that the kid who saved him, Badger, is currently his only source of useful information. That is a chance to understand and gain knowledge about this world and, in all likelihood, find a way to rustle up some mana.

The Wastes (Underdog Book #2): LitRPG Series

Eric has survived where people much stronger than him have found their deaths. And not just that: he's managed to activate his magic supply, tame one of the most dangerous dungeon monsters, find the ancient city of monster hunters and rescue Jay, the girl abandoned by the scouts in Gulper's lair.

He left the Dungeons of the Crooked Mountains behind him. Now his path leads him to Orchus where our freshly-minted mage intends to finally free himself of his debt-repayment oath.

But as soon as Eric and Jay descend into the valley, they discover that the local barons have been attacked by young Corwin's men who have swept through their neighbors' estates, pillaging and plundering.

This makes Eric's task all the more difficult: he has to return to his home city without ending up in his enemies' clutches. You'd think his natural cautiousness and the acute instincts of his pet Gorgie would make this journey a walk in the park - but fickle Lady Luck has her own ideas... Once again Eric is being pulled into a bloody vortex of dangers.

Dungeons of the Crooked Mountains (Underdog Book 1): LitRPG Series

Eric was born in a world governed by the Great System, in the family of Aren Bergman, a respected miner from Orchus. But the joy of gaining a son was overshadowed by the newborn’s terrible affliction. Eric was completely nulled – level zero and no characteristics points. The only things keeping him from dying were his tiny base supplies of “life” and “energy.”

The medicine woman who delivered Eric believes this to be the work of the evil spirit Bug. Due to the peculiar laws of the Great System, Eric cannot use experience essences or characteristics tablets, so he risks having to spend his whole life confined to a bed. But his father finds a solution. He takes out a large bank loan and goes to the capital where he buys a few artifacts of the Ancients on the black market, which have no level restriction.

Despite having the artifacts, Eric is still very feeble and everyone in town thinks him a freak. But at least he can move on his own and that gives the Bergmans hope. But alas, it isn’t for long. On Eric’s fourteenth birthday, his father and mother die in a mining accident. The bank takes their house, and Eric is left with no choice but to work off the remaining debt in the Dungeons of the Crooked Mountains.

And so begins the story of a nulled boy’s struggle to survive…

You're in Game! Book #2 (Моre LitRPG stories set in your favorite worlds)

Would you like to know what happened to some of the heroes of your favorite LitRPGs?

What about Gnat, the wayward hero of Reality Benders? Would he manage to return to Earth from his adventurous travels?

Would you like to go back to Barliona and take a peek at the game through the eyes of its new protagonists? Plenty of laughs and intrigue guaranteed!

Can you refuse the offer of completing a complex quest in Alterra? How do you feel about doing that?

Or going back to the Crystal Sphere, to face the chilling breath of a powerful Neuro and survive?

Also, don’t forget that Olgerd and his friends await you in Mirror World! They’re counting on your help.

All this and much more - tales from bestselling authors as well as LitRPG newcomers whose first books have already become Russia’ new sensations - in our latest anthology combining the best of our stories to date!

You're in Game! LitRPG Stories from Bestselling Authors

This fast-paced collection of novellas and short stories from leading Russian LitRPG authors sheds new light on their signature worlds. New works by Vasily Mahanenko, Andrei Livadny, Alexey Osadchuk, Michael Atamanov, Pavel Kornev and Andrew Novak! Expect your favorite heroes to play second fiddle to an array of new main characters; once-minor plot lines to lead you in unexpected directions; familiar story events to take new surprising turns.