Renegade (Underdog Book #8): LitRPG Series

The battle with the horde of necromorphs is lost. Foreston has been overrun by Dark fiends. The foxfolk have been forced to abandon their homes and seek salvation on the far side of Narrow Lake.

Its main city lost, the Order of Monster Hunters finds itself on the brink of destruction. And now deprived of their chief ally, the gnomes are left all alone to take on the army of the Steel King.

Eric’s attempts to halt his foe’s advance have all come to naught ― Alrak the Heartless and the other Dark primordials are simply too powerful.

To cover his friends’ retreat, Eric makes use of forbidden magic, for which the Great System strips him of his rank as magister and declares him an apostate.

In spite of the crushing defeat and grievous wound, Eric’s will is not yet broken. And although he has become a renegade in the eyes of yesterday’s friends and allies, Eric will keep up the fight against Darkness!

My Opinion: 543 pages, $6.99, Not Available On Kindle Unlimited

Full disclosure: I received an advanced copy for review. I purchased a copy when it became available.

The final book in the series sees some interesting turns in the story but ultimately ends like I’d expected. The path there was as twisty as it had been in previous stories but I couldn’t imagine another outcome without readers rebelling. The big story threads are all cleared up and there’s room for more adventures if the author chooses to continue the heroes adventures in a follow up series. It’s an entertaining read if you’ve come this far into the series and an ending that I felt satisfied with. 

Score: 7.4 out of 10

Renegade (Underdog Book #8): LitRPG Series