Fracture: An Apocalyptic LitRPG Series (Red Mage Book 3)

Humanity to save. Alien threats to annihilate. Aim your spells accordingly.

Drew and his team are the entire counter offensive plan against the Naga. He knows that the serpents must be dealt with, but watching the Sidhe forces take the nodes near his old home and turn them violet is weighing on him. Even worse than the external threat is the pressing fact that the gathered humans are beginning to fracture into factions with competing desires.

The mana shield over the stadium was supposed to solve every one of their problems. The Naga disagreed, and their frequent skirmishes are ramping up into a constant drain on resources. Drew’s only possible response to the humans, the aliens, and the strange urban jungle appearing across the Potomac is to increase the count of his own red nodes and build up his strength; all in a race to save humanity.

As tensions rise, Drew wonders more and more if he can solve everything with a well-placed fireball.

My Opinion: 352 pages, $5.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

This is an enjoyable continuation of the adventures of Drew as he leads his group in the RPG Apocalypse. There are lots of fights, characters progress their powers, and there are some good goofy conversations. The plot progression is a little uneven in places and the end in particular feels a little rushed compared to what happens in the rest of the novel. But it’s still a fun read. 

Score: 7.6 out of 10

Fracture: An Apocalyptic LitRPG Series (Red Mage Book 3)