
Amazon takes on YouTube

TechCrunch reports that this week Amazon launched Amazon Video Direct. This service allows creators to upload their own videos to Amazon’s Prime Video and generate royalties based on the hours streamed. Creators must fill out tax information and link a bank account, plus create pages for their series and provide artwork for display. They can choose to include shows in Amazon Prime, streamed free with ads, rented, sold or any combination.

Amazon video is available in Japan, the UK, Austria, Germany and the US. Variety reports Amazon will pay creators 50% of retail, 55% of ad-supported free streaming and 15 cents per hour streamed in on Prime in the US, 6 cents per hours streamed elsewhere, capped at $75,000. The top 100 titles get paid a monthly bonus.

It seems like Amazon is looking to take on the big players in the user generated content services like YouTube.

YouTube Unplugged

Bloomberg reports its sources tell it YouTube is planning another subscription based streaming service called Unplugged that would include network and cable channels.

YouTube has supposedly been working on the product since 2012 and plans to launch in 2017 at around $35 a month with add-ons available. YouTube is in talks with such companies as: Comcast, NBCUniversal, Viacom, Twenty-First Century Fox, and CBS, although it has yet to strike any deals.

Learn the Origin Story for Every Suicide Squad Member in 5 minutes

Learn the Origin Story for Every Suicide Squad Member in 5 minutes

Interested in learning more about the Suicide Squad after watching their trailer? The good folks over at ThingsAndStuff have what you need. They created a brief primer on all the members featured in the movie. Learn about everyone’s origin story without having to look through old comic issues. 

Latest Ant-Man spot uses fictional interview to fill in backstory

What an interesting way to promote the upcoming Ant-Man movie. Marvel has created a YouTube channel that posts videos from the fictional news channel WHIH featuring interviews with the characters form the movie. Look forward to watching the movie this weekend.

The video features an interview between Everhart (from the first Iron Man movie) and Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), and it fills in a little bit of Lang's criminal backstory that's alluded to in Ant-Man. Be sure to pay attention to the ticker tape along the bottom of the news broadcast for more MCU-related Easter eggs.

Fly on a Griffin by watching WARCRAFT: SKIES OF AZEROTH

Fly on a Griffin by watching WARCRAFT: SKIES OF AZEROTH

While you still can’t see the trailer for the animated movie Warcraft, based on the insanely popular game franchise, you can get a griffin’s eye view of the world. This recently released video lets look around the world of Azeroth while riding on the back of a griffin. 

Watch Deadpool and Domino fight Joker and Harley Quinn

Watch Deadpool and Domino fight Joker and Harley Quinn

YouTube video creator Batinthesun has made another Super Power Beat Down video. This time the battle is between two fan favorite teams. The Joker and Harley Quinn versus the merc with the mouth, Deadpool and Domino.

Watch Conan do his best Magic Mike XXL dance

Watch Conan do his best Magic Mike XXL dance

Magic Mike: XXL came out in theaters and women and men came in droves to watch the strip fest. Unfortunately many reviews say there isn’t as much sext stripping as there was in the first movie. So Conan O'brien decided he could do better. Spoilers: This does not go well. 

Watch Batman Versus Joker in Stop Motion

Watch Batman Versus Joker in Stop Motion

YouTube stop motion artist Counter656 has created a new video battle. This time it’s Batman V. Joker. Sure you think you’ve seen that fight before but what happens when the Joker calls in Gundams for back up?

Watch Mario in the Unreal 4 engine

Watch Mario in the Unreal 4 engine

In this fan made Mario video we see our favorite plumber running and jumping around several environments created using the Unreal 4 engine. The video shows what graphical power Nintendo is missing out on by sticking to their in house engine. 

Watch the The Attackees w/Kevin Pereira

It’s been about a week since E3 and Kevin Pereira over at The Attack have produced their first award show for the event. If you were a fan of Attack of the Show on G4 you’ll enjoy the humor of the video. 

The Nintendo World Championships 2015 Winner

The Nintendo World Championships 2015 Winner

The Nintendo World Championships 2015 occurred today. The great Kevin Pereira, formally of Attack of the Show, hosted the contest.  ING and Nintendo both live streamed everything. Watch the video above for everything that happened. Read below for the summary. 

Watch Capt. Picard and Darth Vader argue about who's geekier

Watch Capt. Picard and Darth Vader argue about who's geekier

Which franchise is geekier, Star Wars or Star Trek? College Humor animates the debate through Captain Jean-Luc Picard and the infamous Darth Vader. What side do you take?

Scorpion Versus Jason turns out like you thought it would

Scorpion Versus Jason turns out like you thought it would

The folks at WTFLOL have created a parody of the many "versus" YouTube videos around. This time they are pitting Jason from Friday the 13th against Scorpion from Mortal Kombat. 

Watch this- Lego Doctor Who Fan shorts

Watch this- Lego Doctor Who Fan shorts

BlobVanDam is a 3D animator and a Doctor Who fan. Combing this love of Doctor Who with the Lego Style has resulted in two great looking fan shorts. The first recreates the Time of the Doctor episode where Matt Smith turns into Peter Capaldi. The other is a short example of what a Lego Doctor Who game might look like.

Trailer for online animated series- Justice League: Gods and Monsters

Trailer for online animated series- Justice League: Gods and Monsters

This new take on the Justice League was made in cooperation with Machinima. It’s apparently going to be released online over the course of several days (June 8th –June 12th). Looks good to me.