World-Tree Online

World Tree Online: The Order of Epic Grinders: 4th Dive

It just never gets any easier, or at least, not in Bye-bye Jacko’s world.

After striking a bargain with Epic, the stakes have never been higher. If Bye-bye wins, Epic promised to put the defeated players back to rights in the real world. If Epic wins, things will get so much worse. And Epic really wants to win this one. To win, the rogue A.I. will strike at the first Citizens Bye-bye ever helped.

It’s the Undead Apocalypse and Hurlig Ridge is right in the path of destruction. Failure this time could have more consequences than even Bye-bye can imagine.

World Tree Online: The Endless Savanna: 3rd Dive

Chaos has found a way to strike at the real-world. And now Bye-bye has just one week to return to the World Tree or more players will be made to suffer the same real-world consequences. Hoping to find answers, Bye-bye races across the country to the headquarters of the Seed Inc., the makers of the World Tree Online.

Back in the World Tree, the Endless Savanna awaits. A place often called the province with no end. With tribal politics, twisted beasts and monsters, and a deadly slave ring, there are more than enough dangers waiting.

Bye-bye and his friends will fight as they always have, but it still might not be enough. Will the Endless Savanna be the end of their winning streak?

World-Tree Online

When an update traps millions of players in the most advanced VR game ever made, one man discovers an exploit that might just take him to the top of the World-Tree.~~

In 2056, the world’s most powerful AI System, ARKUS, comes online. Created to extend human lifespans, it quickly designs new kinds of nanomachine therapies, in addition to making world-changing discoveries in health science. It also develops an advanced VR headset that uses consumable nanomachines to allow users to experience time faster in virtual worlds.

Two years later, ARKUS releases World-Tree Online. The game’s time-dilation makes it so that one hour of playtime feels like one month to those in-game, allowing humans to live extended, virtual lives that feel real.

However, shortly after an old gamer named Vincent joins World-Tree Online, an update begins that stretches the time-dilation to one year for every five seconds. Players are unable to exit the game during the update—with an estimated wait time of three hundred sixty years.

While trapped in the game, Vincent discovers an exploit in the physics that might take him higher up the World-Tree than he ever expected. Unfortunately, he crosses paths with the last moderator in the game, a young man named Lucas that uses his mod abilities to torture and subjugate other players.

Lucas is willing to abuse his power to conquer the World-Tree, but Vincent’s exploit might just be the key to stopping him.