The Great Filter: A Post-Apocalyptic Gamelit Novel

The Great Filter: A Post-Apocalyptic Gamelit Novel

The end of the world had arrived just as many had predicted, in a global exchange of nuclear weapons.

What no one predicted was the sudden message that appeared before every living soul moments before impact, a message from 'The Administrators' revealing our entire world and everything in it to be a species simulation. According to the message, Humanity had been reset over a million times and every single time we could not prevent our own extinction.

No more resets for humanity. No more chances.

They would leave our world an irradiated disaster, but to keep things interesting, they would convert our species simulation to a game for their twisted entertainment.

Digital or not, real or not, I have a family to protect. A wife and daughter who need me, universe be damned. I say bring it on. Welcome to the end of the world.

Welcome to The Great Filter.