Space Pirates

Cause for War (Reality Benders Book #7): LitRPG Series

The Army of Earth is being sent on its first tour of duty. Its fifty thousand proud and valiant troopers are the best of the best, full of hope for brilliant victories and spoils of war that can help Earth's humanity along in its development.

There's just one little problem though. The operation's Geckho commanders view their human vassals as mere cannon fodder, good only for plugging up holes in their defensive line and shipping out to the space war’s most punishing hotspots where the chance of surviving is practically nil.

How should the Kung of Earth behave in this situation? Disobey the suzerains' orders, draw their ire and put his home planet under threat of complete annihilation? Or make a play for the freedom of humanity in a game of his own?

Read all about it in the seventh book of the Reality Benders series!

A Check for a Billion (Galactogon Book #3): LitRPG Series

A check for a billion credits. The prize seemed lost forever and here it glittered again with all its colors, drawing the couple like a magnet. The pirates, the Uldans, the Zatrathi—none of it mattered now. The final goal was so close. All they had to do was reach out and grasp it.

Alas, fortune refuses to land in Surgeon’s hand just like that, without a fight. Fortune only comes to those who can prove themselves. Will Alexis and Eunice find their inner strength and go to the end—or will the obstacles in their way force them to give up their search? After all, the most important thing is to find the planet with the prize. And yet faced with an entire galaxy, where do they even start?

Planet Bound

Planet Bound

After spending months on an alien world for work, all John Espinoza just wants to do is get home to his wife and daughter. Unfortunately, the transport ship he chose is attacked by pirates and he ends up stranded on an unknown planet where the very air is toxic to him. Now John has to team up with the ship’s AI and the two have to survive on this hostile alien world and figure out some way to get off the planet or get a message out for help. Can they overcome their dwindling resources, alien life forms, and hostile space forces? Or will they die together, planet bound?

This is a sci-fi survival story with augmented reality, a snarky AI, upgrade mechanics, resource gathering, crafting, alien creatures, and space pirates