
The Tutorial Is Too Hard (Webcomic)

One day, amidst a boring life, an invitation message appears before my eyes.

[Would you like to enter the tutorial world?]

Following it is a difficulty-selection window.

Easy, Normal, Hard, Hell.

I select Hell-Difficulty without hesitation.

And I regret it.

I know it said Hell-Difficulty, but this is just TOO MUCH!!!!.

The Warped Forest: A Hundred Halls LitRPG and GameLit Novel (Gamemakers Online Book 1)

Could you defeat the world's hardest immersive game?

Alexandria Duke must learn how to or risk losing everything.

When Alex joins Gamemakers Online, she finds there are no newbie areas, no tutorials, and nothing but vicious critters hunting her down. This seems like an impossible task but Alex is a veteran platinum achievement hunter who has solved previously unwinnable scenarios. She won't give up now.As she delves deeper into the game, she discovers it hides sinister secrets. If she can't survive the first year in Gamemakers Online then she'll lose more than her own life.

Dark: Fearless Pioneer (Dark: Fearless Pioneer LitRPG book 1)

It started with a girl. One he had seen many months past, and only for a few evenings.

Her father, as it turned out, was a barbaric maniac, straight out of the foulest dungeons of the Middle Ages. Decades into the 21st century, the madman seemed terribly out of place.

Yet he was also a powerful mogul – and determined to turn the life of every man who had ever been romantically involved with his daughter into a particular variant of hell only made possible by the latest VR technology. All seventeen of his girl’s former lovers would suffer in virtual reality until they snapped.

The torturers had considered every possibility and taken every measure to assure their success. Not even death would offer their victims an escape. No harm would come to their bodies, of course. Only their minds.

For the first sixteen, the project succeeded. But the seventeenth was different. The seventeenth was Dark.