Perla Online- Book One: Toris (A LitRPG/GameLit Adventure)

Perla Online- Book One: Toris (A LitRPG/GameLit Adventure)

In Perla Online, death is permanent—and beyond the city walls players find only a quick trip to 0XP.

Perla Online promised to be everything other full-dive MMOs were not: Innovative. Fully immersive. Hyper-realistic.

The game fulfilled these promises and more when all its players were trapped inside its virtual world. There is only one escape—defeat Foscor, a godlike necromancer ruling from a castle at the center of the Five Realms.

Most players choose survival over victory. Most choose to live within the safety of the city walls. Most.

Ren is not most. He wants more than survival. He wants his life back.

Beyond the walls is the first realm—the forest of Toris where terrible monsters, strange allies, and twisted magics strike with deadly, painful force. But Ren will not back down. He will not hide in safety while darkness ravages the world.