Eyrth Online: episode 2 The Los Dos

Eyrth Online: episode 2 The Los Dos: The Memoirs of Lawrence Wrath (2nd Playlist)

In our last episode Law had received an ESP. Then he met his AI uncle, got an Irish personal assistant. After that he kicked ass in Ninja Warrior! He bashed some zombie Dwayne Johnson’s head in! Then he played a game of Battle Chess with his dead uncle. Oh, did I mention there were, some mother f****** snakes on a mother f****** plane! After that, there was a little bit of man on man throat action, then a naked tiger riding competition.

I think that about sums it up. If there is anything I missed you can blame it on the Lady, Mary Jane. Did you know they just put out a poll that said 50%, that’s fifty percent, of Americans smoke Marijuana? How awesome is that! Party on Dudes!

Oh, there is some drug use, tons of violence, nudity, and just a little bit o sex. Not to mention so much swearing that you might feel like washing your ears and eyes out with soap. Thanks again for joining me on this crazy ride. Let’s have some fun!