Dungeon Core Academy 3 (A Dungeon Core LitRPG series)

Dungeon Core Academy 3 (A Dungeon Core LitRPG series)

If you die in the battle of good versus evil, maybe it's time to change sides. Beno doesn't remember much about dying. Only that it hurt, he probably deserved it, and there were no snacks in Death's waiting room. When he is reborn as a dungeon core and he joins the fantastical Dungeon Core Academy, he learns a secret: the bad guys are really the good guys...and he's a bad guy now. As well as learning how to make a deadly dungeon lair and populate it with murderous monsters, he is taught three golden rules: Every hero in the world wants to kill him now. But heroes are made from squishy things. And Beno can create monsters who love to tear squishy things apart. Now that he's the master of his own dungeon, treasure-seeking adventurers are sure to hunt for him. It's up to Beno and his army of creatures to change how the stories all end. It's time to stop the good guys from winning.