Underworld - Scorching Sun: A LitRPG Series


Passing through the Vampire Gate, Elorion enters the true heart of the Underworld for the first time. The sooner he completes his mission, the sooner he and the girls can return home. The task is impossible at his current level, so he follows the lich down the only viable path. A path laden with bodies and blood.

My Opinion: 358 pages, $5.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

A good chunk of the story is the kind of slice of life push into the vampire world to become a Trueblood via competing in a tournament fighting. So there's lots of good fights and a good world building there. But that aspect wasn't particularly surprising since the MC had to reach that goal to fulfill a major quest he'd been given. So the outcome wasn't really in question but it was entertaining to see how the MC reached his goal. But there were some great scenes and moments.

There were some great moments. The sacrifice of the character’s humanity, to a degree, to blend in as a vampire. The exploration of a group that had been portrayed as totally evil and the fallacy of absolutes. The social temptation to stay with the beast vampires. The abject horror of mass murder. There were some great emotional moments.

Overall, the story was really good with nice RPG power progression, an exploration of a vampire culture, and some advancement of a questline. Though parts of it were a little predictable, great moments elevated the story.

Score: 7.8 out of 10

Underworld - Scorching Sun: A LitRPG Series
