Dungeons and Noobs: Noobtown Book 4


Badgelor has been patient, or at least as patient as a homicidal badger can be. With the celebration of Grebthar Day, it's finally time to go get Charles! Nothing is going to stop Jim and his companions, not even the signs of the Dark Overlord's return. This adventure could be Windfall's greatest yet, or it could be its absolute downfall.

My Opinion: 323 pages, $2.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

The novel has a bit of a slower paced first half. There’s good humor, dialogue, character development, socializing with team members, and world building. I especially liked the holiday Grebthar Day. It’s not till the story hits about 40% that the pacing picks up and the action hits. But once it does it continues for the rest of the story and there’s finally some serious plot development with the initial premise of the story and some good twists by the end. Good stuff. 

Score: 7.7 out of 10

Ian Mitchell’s Review

Happy Grebthar day!

I had mixed feelings about this one. The first 33% didn't do much for me. I mostly slogged through it. The cast basically futzed around in town. A lot of humor that didn't do much for me. I'm a bit humor impaired. It wasn't bad. I wasn't having fun.

Then comes Badger's Night. Now I'm laughing. The wideI variety of trap based abuse of Jim had me chuckling. The humor and banter started working for me. A lot of the last half of the book happens down in the dungeon. Some decent delving. Decent banter and joking around. That was clicking for me.Man demon and badger made for fun. The long epic battle at the end of the book was exciting. This wasn't a coherent experience overall. I'll continue the series. I liked the previous books.

Score: 7.5 out of 10.

Dungeons and Noobs: Noobtown Book 4
