Apocalypse: Generic System


Jeb Trapper tried to kill himself. The gun jammed.

Two months later the vet is participating in underground trials of ecstacy to treat his PTSD.

Everything seemed to be going great until...

>>>The System has Been Installed<<<

Now he's got to choose the difficulty of his tutorial.

Just one problem.

He's high as a kite, and nothing seems Impossible.

My Opinion: 379 pages, $4.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

Game mechanics. Fairly good with unique classes for just about all the characters like: mystic taxidermist, and trap smith. Early in the story stats and levels matter with descriptions about just how physically changing gaining even a few stat points can be. However, after the MC hits level 20 and picks his class the RPG stuff matters a lot less. Instead, the MC develops power through use of his class abilities and cleverness. After that point he never seems to run out of fuel for his spell or abilities or really hit any kind of limit beyond what's artificially created to create tension.

Still the story cranks up the epic goodness as it pushes some good twists that keep you turning page after page. 

Score: 7.8 out of 10

Apocalypse: Generic System
