Downtime and Death (Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 5)

After visiting Nevada, California, and two Apocalypse Gates, Alvin was tired. With Gothy, and now Kuro, beside him, they faced necromancers, an undead army, and saved a Queen from assassination. Alvin could only wonder what was going to be thrown at them next...

First, however, a vacation was in order. Returning to Green River, seeing the first settlement he had helped build, and revisiting old friends was cathartic. Alvin knew that he would not be able to stay long, as something was bound to happen to push them back on the road again.

Alvin had to decide where they would go next, and had narrowed it down to two choices—south into Texas, or head north and east into Colorado and maybe the Great Lakes. Either choice would mean meeting new friends, new enemies, or both.

(This book contains adult situations, in all their horror and glory, including but not limited to: sex, abuse, drug use, and murder. It also contains graphic sex scenes, which portray elements of BDSM and harem. You’ve been warned.)

My Opinion: 528 pages, $4.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

Full disclosure: I received an advanced copy for review. I purchased a copy when it became available. 

A very good entry in the series. I really enjoyed the slightly slower first half of the story with the base and community building. There were different kinds of conflicts but good stuff.  It was genuinely good to see some older characters and see how they fared since the MC last saw them. Though the 1st half of the story had less action, there is still some good fights and in particular I liked the use of the training room. It was a great way to add speculative action without murdering people permanently.

The 2nd half of the novel is much higher on the action. Good stuff. I won’t spoil things but it reminds me a bit of book 3 in the series.

There is still graphic sex in the story, but it is skippable. 

Overall, a good story for fans of the series.

Score: 7.7 out of 10

Downtime and Death (Apocalypse Gates Author's Cut Book 5)