Dungeon Core Academy: Book 2 (A Dungeon Crafting series)

You only live once…unless you’re resurrected to become the master of a dungeon. When Beno died and was offered a second chance as a dungeon core, he dived right in. He joined the dungeon core academy, and he found himself in a new life where killing heroes wasn’t just accepted, but encouraged. Under the tutelage of the academy overseers, he learned how to make dungeons filled with monsters and traps. Beno finds himself in a strange dungeon now. One where he not only has to summon all kinds of foul creatures to defend his lair, but where he is also the savior of a race of people. That's a lot of pressure for a dungeon core. He used to live a normal life. Now he builds dungeons, creates monsters, and uses them to fight loot-hungry heroes.

My Opinion: 170 pages, $2.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

Review written by Ian Mitchell

His second second life

Short easy read dungeon core story. Beno the core is chatty with the reader. It's worked in both this and the previous book. Most of the fighting is implied. The story advances.

Score: 7.8 out of 10
