Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3

The legendary fisting journeys of Scott and his team continue in this next exciting installment of Galactic Fist of Legend. During their first team building mission Scott's grab bag group of modern pop-culture icons stumbles across a dire situation involving a familiar tunic-clad hero. Can Scott lead his team to pull off the most dangerous mission he's ever faced, or will they fail and doom entire worlds to ruin? Stay tuned and find out!

Warning: This story depicts graphic violence, gore, occasional gratuitous nudity, the power of friendship, and strangely adult interactions with sentient plants. You're welcome.


My Opinion: 302 pages, $3.99, Not Available on Kindle Unlimited

A good third book in the Galactic Fist of Legend series. The story returns to the zombie apocalypse world of the first book and finishes off the storyline with that world.

There’s all the action, adventure, humor, and sexual innuendo you’ve come to expect from the series. In addition there are finally some answers about the larger reasons for the whole interdimensional mission thing and you get to meets some of the entities behind the scenes.

The parody is top notch and I certainly appreciated the Dragon Ball Z references. I also have to admit that I think ‘Friendly drunk zombie’ is a great subspecies for the undead.

Score: 7 out of 10

Galactic Fist of Legend: Volume 3