The Pantheon Moves (Emerilia Book 10)

Wins and losses, there is no time to celebrate or mourn.

The Pantheon in the chaos has once again risen to power, some trying to take power from one another, others supporting the people of Emerilia.

As the people of Emerilia finally getting ahead of the war against the Event of Myths and Legends of those that were spawned in and those that entered through portals. The Pantheon once again displays their might.

Win or lose, there are no other paths open to the people of Emerilia.


My Opinion: 355 pages, $4.99, Available on Kindle Unlimited

The story starts off on a rather sad note. The big reveal over who died from the battle in book 9 is right there in the first pages of the story. Some folks die permanently other temporarily. Still, those deaths are used as a rallying cry not against the monsters being released on Emerilia but against the Jukal Empire.

That’s sort of the underlying theme in the story, preparation for the upcoming rebellion against the Jukal Empire. Yes, there are lots of other thing that happen. The ‘Event of Myths and Legends’ wraps up and the fight between the members of the pantheon begin. But a good portion of the middle of the story is just prep for the next next big fight,  the Jukal. There’s lots of switching between different characters as they wrap up storylines or prepare for larger space battles that we’ll see in book 11. It can feel a little slow if you’re not into crafting or training scenes.

The last 25% of the novel is an almost non stop action and has some surprising twists in the story. Really great stuff.

Overall, a good read. Even if the series is leaning more towards space opera at this point is was still a good story and I look forward to reading book 11.

Score: 7 out of 10

The Pantheon Moves (Emerilia Book 10)