Ingame: Virtual reality enabled

Ingame, a world where magic is real. Where being Human just means you are not a Dwarf or an Elf. See a cynical young man who is working towards getting past level one. Add some rich powerful old people trying to take over the Ingame world. Throw in a abandoned haunted orphanage, a mysterious dragon and Gods that cannot be trusted. Add a huge city and young Donators buying their way through the game. Ingame, anything might happen.

My Opinion: Overall, this is a good novel. There are some rough spots but the story is good though light on fighting. I’d highly recommend skipping the backstory presented in chapters 1-3 and start at chapter 4. I’ll summarize chapters 1-3 for you: The world is bad. VR is better. The main character has to go in VR for the next year but has a headset with developer access he hopes will give him an edge in VR versus the rich kids in the game world. The main characters exploration of the VR world begins in chapter 4. Enjoy.

Score 6 out of 10


Ingame: Virtual reality enabled

Kian: PRINCE, STUDENT, DEMON, SHAMAN. (Ingame side story)

Kian: Rescue