Last Horizon: Beta

Full Dive Virtual Reality is finally coming true and the first game out Last Horizon will be the first game. A group of friends backs the Crowd sourced idea and enters the Beta testing. The friends who have played MMORPG's since the yearly days of the genre are excited about being young again inside the game and living out the adventure.


My Opinion: Ever get tired of stories where the protagonist is a young upstart? Me too. Last Horizon does away with that trope and tells the 554 page story of what it would be like if full immersion VR finally came to fruition only after the main characters had retired. If you think about it, it makes sense. Kids are all grown up, bills are basically paid on a fixed income, and you have the time to play the game. I could easily imagine myself, a veteran gamer using a lifetime of learned skills and strategy in a immerging VR game. Honestly I hope it doesn’t take that long though.

Score: 7 out of 10

Last Horizon: Beta