Dave Wilmarth - ESPN commercial for LitRPG series

Dave Wilmart, author of the Greystone Chronicles and The Dark Elf Chronicles, is running an ad during an ESPN event, the Pizza Bowl. First instance of a LitRPG author running an ad during normal TV thing. Neat. The announcement in his own words :

I’ve commissioned a new book trailer for Greystone 1, and will be running it as a TV commercial on ESPN. As far as I know this will be the first TV commercial for a LitRPG/GameLit book.

No... it’s not during the superbowl! This is where the silly comes in.

Apparently, we have a National Pizza Team. Yup! That’s right! Pizza! And it seems they do acrobatics. 😳

And they are having an event Saturday at noon EST. So don’t make other plans! I’m hoping my trailer runs during the Freestyle Pizza Dough Twirling event!


Watch the pizza event here:
