
The Crow Cycle Book #1: LitRPG Series

The Crow Cycle Book #1: LitRPG Series

The Crow Cycle is set in the world of Waldyra, its events echoing the story of Clan Dominance: The Sleepless Ones, a cult LitRPG series by the same author. Nonetheless, The Crow Cycle has a completely standalone plot. Each series is connected to the main storyline and shows certain characters from different points of view, revealing information about their past or explaining the background of events already known to the reader from earlier series.

The world of Waldyra treats its inhabitants differently. Some of them, appearing out of nowhere, suddenly receive unique achievements and quests; they become living legends and idols while basking in the limelight. And there are those who call Waldyra home. They do not play, but rather live in this colorful magic world. They do not get anything unique or legendary in return.

Perhaps they are just unlucky? Or maybe they don't need the hype, and they are content with their simple existence? Or could there be something special about a peaceful and well-planned life? Who knows... As the old saying goes, "Only time will tell."

All Trades Book 1: Master of None

Alex is broke. He's pretty much always been broke. A misspent youth led to mistakes which led to convictions and plea deals. No career, no education, no hope.

Now he has a chance to make things right for him and his family when the newest immersive MMO comes with the ability to convert money earned in the game into real currency. Well, it's cryptocurrency but that's real-ish, right? Seeing an opportunity, Alex joins The Realms as Jack Alltrades, looking to make money any way he can. He may be a Master of None, but he's determined to learn every way possible to make money and turn his life around. Along the way, he'll find answers to important questions like:

Can he win Employee of the Month?

Do gnomes dream of electric sheep?

How many kobolds does it take to swing a pickaxe?

Can NPCs commit tax fraud?

OK, maybe he won't answer most of those, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't come follow the high margin adventures of Jack Alltrades!