A world unlike any other...
A LitRPG unlike any other...
"Welcome to Brutalia, the world that lets your inner brute roam free." Tasha skimmed the text quickly, rushing over the history of MMORPGs (she had heard Misha use the term before and had a sense of it), how Brutalia was essentially a very cool RPG, with a twist: It was adult-only, and it had no rules of ethics attached to it. Anything went: Say what you like, and more importantly, do what you like. "Especially with female NPCs and, yes, PLAYER CHARACTERS: Do with them as you wish (they're here because they like it, if you get our drift)." Wow, she thought. Pretty tacky. And she, for one, wasn't here of her own volition. In the section on "Doing with the ladies as you please," she came to a paragraph on her own character class: "You'll especially enjoy the Harlot class of character, and we really do mean enjoy. Her ability to please is non-pareil (another reason for you to look into our patented Full Immersion Experience option), but even if you can't afford her, fear not. In Brutalia, you're allowed to take the Harlot class any way you can get her."
Life, death, the nature of reality...and battles with flying monkeys...