Tartila Mine (The Alchemist Book #5): LitRPG Series


What are you supposed to do when the whole world joins forces against you? Give up, find some hole to duck into, and beg for your life to be spared? But even despite how obvious the answer to that question might be, many an adult had been dashed on the rocks twelve-year-old Tailyn Vlashich was supposed to climb. Ahead of him lay a secret laboratory belonging to the ancients; behind was a horde headed by his sworn enemy. But through it all, Tailyn had those who loved him, those who believed in him, and that support was enough to carry him to the ends of the earth.

There was just one question left to answer: who was the Absorber? And what did he want with Tailyn?

My Opinion: 297 pages, $6.99, Available On Kindle Unlimited

Full disclosure: I received an advanced copy for review. I purchased a copy when it became available. 

This is the conclusion to the Alchemist series, though not necessarily the end to the adventures of the main character. There’s lots of action and adventure. And those teasers for that other character from the author’s other series showing up absolutely pay off. If you’ve enjoyed this series then this last book is a must read. 

Score: 7.8 out of 10

Tartila Mine (The Alchemist Book #5): LitRPG Series
