Rise of the UnTed


Rise of the UnTed follows the unfortunate adventure of Ted as he starts his new life as an unholy abomination. Only time will tell if he will be another mindless minion or become something else. But first, Ted has to kill his killers. What doesn’t kill you may make you stronger, but sometimes what does kill you just makes you angry.

WARNING: Rise of the UnTed is an undead and necromancer themed GameLit/litRPG. Content includes dead people, dead animals, evil named shovels, necromancers, ancient entities both chaotic and dark, and lots of death.

My Opinion: 71 pages, $0.99, Available on Kindle Unlimited

The main character (MC) is summoned from our world to a fantasy on accidentally, killed, and raised as the undead by a necromancer as part of an experiment. Not only that but another spirit or aspect of him is put in charge of his body and obeys the necromancer. There’s good humor, good action, and an interesting twist on the undead MC. However, LitRPG-wise, it’s pretty light with nothing RPG related showing up till after the 36% mark. There is exactly one showing of a character sheet with stats, skills, and levels. There are a couple more references to stats and levels improving and a few notifications for items or other characters. Most of the story revolves around the MC learning how to control his power, gaining agency, and getting revenge. 

Overall, it’s an entertaining short read and I’d read a 2nd story.

Score: 7.4 out of 10

Rise of the UnTed
