Redeemer of the Dead: A LitRPG Apocalypse (The System Apocalypse Book 2)

Four months ago, the world changed as electronics failed and blue screens started appearing, gifting humanity with abilities, Classes and Skills straight from a game. Caught in Klondike National Park during the apocalypse, John manages to fight his way free and reach Whitehorse. Unfortunately, the System hasn't finished with humanity yet and dungeons begin to appear, bringing with them more powerful, stronger and smarter monsters. Can John and his friends survive and level up?

Redeemer of the Dead is Book 2 of the System Apocalypse, a LitRPG / GameLit Apocalypse book that combines modern day life, science fiction and fantasy elements along with game mechanics.


My Opinion: 298 pages, $4.99, Available on Kindle Unlimited

This is a fine sequel to Life in the North and a good read if you know what you're getting into. This is a  slice of life/daily adventure story set in a gamified post apocalyptic earth.

There are some good fights, especially that last one, but there’s not much plot. It’s action, adventure, dungeon diving, character development, and a little bit of world building.

Think of this as a serialized LitRPG action adventure series collected together. If you expect it to be more, you’ll be disappointed. But if you accept it for what it is you might have a good time going along for the adventure.

Score: 7 out of 10

Redeemer of the Dead: A LitRPG Apocalypse (The System Apocalypse Book 2)